These web stories have been created for educational purposes only. We do not own the content used in this web series. The credits are reserved by the respective creators. Reach out to us for mentions.

Meet fellow travelers and make friends with like-minded people. Engage with curious minds and enjoy a lively festival with them.

Discover the local traditions of the Sao Joao festival and immerse yourself in Goan culture. 

Learn the art of making copel/kopel. Choose flowers, petals, and leaves of your preference and curate a floral crown for yourself. 

Indulge in traditional Goan music and performances and celebrate the Sao Joao festival like the locals do. 

Learn the importance of jumping into the wells, ponds, and other water bodies at the Sao Ja festival. Dive into refreshing waters yourself to experience the charm of this joyous tradition. 

Explore the local Goan culture, discover fascinating legends and stories of goan village.

Here is the list of some exceptional offbeat experiences you can indulge in when in Goa: 

Discover Goa's best kept secret with Soul Travelling! Explore Goa you never knew existed!

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